distributing macos applications feature image

Distributing macOS applications

This article presents all necessary steps to get your macOS application into the hands of your users. I list and compare the four distribution and packaging options: the macOS app store, package managers like Homebrew, Disk images (dmg) files, and installers (pkg files). I also introduce the signing and notarization process. Introduction In my previous … Read more

distributing windows applications

Distributing Windows applications

This article presents all necessary steps to get your Windows (desktop) application into the hands of your users. I list and compare 13 installer builders which package your application as a setup, discuss distribution options such as package managers, and present solutions to integrate automatic updates and licensing into your application. Introduction If you are … Read more

freeze python

Distribute Python applications – the 7 best tools to freeze your code

To be able to distribute Python application to end-users you need to freeze Python code. There are numerous freeze tools which produce self-contained binaries for the most common platforms, like Windows, Linux and macOS. This article presents and compares seven freeze tools, which are being actively maintained at the time of writing, and recommends specific … Read more

Google Docs for code: the best collaborative code editors in 2021

Collaborative code editors let developers write code together in real time, just like Google Docs. This article compares Microsoft Live Share, Code with me, Floobits, CodeTogether, GitDuck, and CodeInterview. I clearly demonstrate the limitations and benefits of each tool, including how it integrates into existing IDEs, end-to-end encryption and pricing. I’ll conclude with recommendations for … Read more

microsoft 365 groups

Myths of the Microsoft 365 cloud – Part IV – Microsoft 365 groups and scheduling events

Microsoft 365 groups are the foundation for managing users and permissions in many other applications, such as Teams and SharePoint. This article introduces the group’s other functionalities, group inbox and calendar, how to access them, and why they are sometimes difficult to find. I also explain different options that simplify scheduling of events in Outlook, … Read more

Myths of the Microsoft 365 cloud – Part III – Teams and its SharePoint integration

Teams is Microsoft’s communication platform that offers video meetings and text-based chats at work that happen in one or more team rooms. Learn how Teams integrates with SharePoint, how you can plan your team structure (including private channels), and discover several non-obvious features of the app. Introduction Microsoft Teams is a cloud application, which you … Read more

Microsoft 365 cloud SharePoint

Myths of the Microsoft 365 cloud – Part II – SharePoint features and membership management

SharePoint, which is part of the Microsoft 365 cloud, offers collaboration features for your team. I present the three main features of SharePoint, explain the difference between communication vs. team sites, and elaborate on how the membership management works. Finally, I discuss important caveats you should be aware of. Introduction SharePoint is a cloud application … Read more

python link collection

Advanced Python link collection

This article is a link collection for Python developers who want to go beyond the basics. It presents my personal favorite articles and libraries for various use cases. Introduction Whenever you fall in love with a programming language, you will wonder what you can do with it, beyond the basics. Most modern programming languages come … Read more