speed up gitlab ci feature

Speed up GitLab CI – the 5 best tips for fast pipelines

Starting from an overview of frequent causes for slow pipelines, I derive 5 tips to speed up GitLab CI pipelines. These include choosing the appropriate runner infrastructure, choosing the right caching approach (Docker vs. GitLab), DAG pipelines, mixing GitLab’s caches and artifacts, and optimizing individual jobs (e.g. via parallelization). Introduction As I already explained in … Read more

gitlab vs docker caching

GitLab CI/CD: GitLab vs. Docker caching – how to get insanely fast CI/CD pipelines

Using a Node.js example project I demonstrate how Docker-based caching can speed up your GitLab CI/CD pipelines even more than GitLab’s built-in caching mechanism. I explain how each approach works, and what the technical prerequisites are. I also list tools that support you with setting up a Docker-based CI pipeline. Introduction Caching of files between … Read more