Go vs. Python performance benchmark of a REST backend feature

Go vs Python performance benchmark of a REST backend

This article benchmarks the performance of two different Python frameworks (Django, FastAPI) and a Go framework (Pocketbase), when making GET requests that serialize 20 simple JSON objects from a relational database (SQLite, PostgreSQL). The results show that Go/Pocketbase is only about twice as fast as Python/FastAPI, which is surprising, given that Go is generally considered … Read more

hardware benchmarks in kubernetes

Benchmark series part 3: Automated hardware benchmarks in Kubernetes

I present my own hardware benchmark automation framework that creates a Kubernetes cluster with different VM types of your choice, schedules a containerized benchmark container on each node, and collects+processes the result. The framework is open source and available on GitHub. I also provide hints for how to visualize the results. Introduction A hardware benchmark … Read more

benchmark phoronix test suite feature

Benchmark series part 2: Hardware benchmarks with Phoronix Test Suite

Phoronix Test Suite (PTS) is a benchmark orchestration tool which runs multiple configurable benchmark CLIs and extracts their results. This article explains the two most important core concepts of PTS, test profiles and test suites, and how to build them yourself. The detailed steps of installing and running tests are also explained, as well as … Read more

benchmark cloud feature

Benchmark series part 1: Benchmarking virtual cloud hardware using 6 great tools

This article discusses virtual cloud hardware benchmarks, which help you choose the best performing virtual cloud-based CPU/disk/memory hardware for your needs. I go into the cost-benefit ratio of benchmarking, and provide many good practices for hardware benchmarking, such as ensuring proper reproducibility. Finally, I explore 6 off-the-shelf benchmark tools that measure CPU, memory or disk … Read more

azure vm performance benchmark in AKS

Performance benchmark of over 30 Azure VMs in AKS

This article uses my fully-automated benchmark suite which creates a temporary Azure Kubernetes cluster (AKS) with over 30 different Azure VM sizes, schedules a container-based benchmark on each VM (which measures CPU and disk performance), and collects + visualizes the results. I share the raw results and an Excel sheet with various meta-information and graphs, … Read more