Go vs. Python performance benchmark of a REST backend feature

Go vs Python performance benchmark of a REST backend

This article benchmarks the performance of two different Python frameworks (Django, FastAPI) and a Go framework (Pocketbase), when making GET requests that serialize 20 simple JSON objects from a relational database (SQLite, PostgreSQL). The results show that Go/Pocketbase is only about twice as fast as Python/FastAPI, which is surprising, given that Go is generally considered … Read more

go vs python

Go vs. Python: an introduction to Go for senior (Python) developers

In this article I compare the programming languages Go vs. Python. I highlight 3 similarities and 12 differences. This comparison is written for senior developers, but it is not exclusively limited to Python developers: everyone with a OOP-language background (like Java or C++) will benefit. I also provide tips regarding learning resources you should start … Read more